
R/601/0578 Managing A successful Business Project HND in Business Level 5


Digital technology is all about using modern tools for accomplishing business activities in much appropriate manner in order to gain maximum benefits by satisfying the needs or demands of distinct clients. Apple is most successful organization at international marketplace whose main motive is to establish their positive image at marketplace by satisfying the needs or demands of various customers (Yilmaz and Flouris, 2010). Therefore, assignment is going to highlight an appropriate process of handling a successful organizational project by considering necessary facts or figures. Thus, overall report is based on “impact of digital technology on business activity”. Project management plan consist of cost, scope, time, resources, communication and so on are outlining in this project for attaining set objectives in a defined time period. Furthermore, an appropriate method is used by an enterprise for analysing the viewpoints of distinct customers about usage of digital technology at workplace. Lastly, project is all about focussing on suitable path that is adopted by firm for completing large business assignment.

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Project definition

Project is all about managing thing in best manner by considering necessary facts or figures. Their main objective is to acquire relevant information about the element which is used by organization while running their business entity. Along with this, it consist of necessary information related with completing of particular project such as; time, risk, resources, communication, management, cost and so on. Hence, number of elements are falls under this for designing an effective project in order to attain set objectives or goals.

Problem statement

Main objective of this project is to identify the impact of digital technology in organization success and development. Digital technology is all about using advanced equipments for enhancing the company performance in a minimum time period by considering relevant facts or figures. Technology has restructured the functioning of business; everything has now changed from ink to binary data. It is the most prudent way to perform the strategies of business.

Project strategy

It has its pros and cons. The human engagement has become less due to the advancement of technology in the business sector (Smith, Gonin and Besharov, 2013). It has it positive aspects as well as negative too. Thus, Apple is adopting modern technologies for managing their large business project in effective manner. The cost of installing the latest technology is not so cheap, as everything comes with a price, technology is the expensive one. On the other hand it speeds up the function of market as well as individual company.

Project objectives

Aims :- “Impact of digital technology on business activity”

Technology is also a part of business now. The tech companies have to deliver their products with quality as there is also competition within the tech market. Technology is not only playing a significant role in providing the service but it is also a part of market.

The digital transformation of business has revolutionized the market by increasing the growth of connectivity of consumers with their sellers. It has helped the business to grow to a next level and to stay ruthless and prepared for the upcoming challenges. It is a weapon of mass destruction in this economic war. Therefore, main objectives of this project are discussed as follows:-

  • To identify the influence of modern equipments on company performance.
  • To ascertain the benefits of using digital tools for company as well as employees.
  • To analyse the drawbacks of using modern technologies.
  • To identify the relationship between digital technology and profit maximization.

After analysing the objectives of an organization its time to design an effective questions for understanding corrective questions. Some of the major questions which might arises after analysing entire activities are –

  • What is the impact of digital technology on organizational performance?
  • Identify the benefits of adopting modern technologies on organization and employees?
  • What are the drawbacks of using advanced technologies?
  • What are the relationship between digital technology and profit maximization?

Performance, cost and time objectives

Managing a large business project is not an easy task due to the involvement of various factors which have a major impact on a company performance as well as productivity. In fact, managers of Apple is focussing on various elements while managing a large business programmes in order to control the possibilities of mistakes and errors (Smith, Binns and Tushman, 2010).

Cost :-Capital is seen as lifeblood for organization because almost entire business activities are depend upon this only. Thus, it is essential for organization to reserved sufficient amount funds for managing each or every task in better manner. However, it helps an enterprise while running their organization as well as provide best facilities to managers while running a successful business project in various regions.

Time :- Duration is also consider as most indispensable factor which is must consider by an organization while making their company plans because it helps in creating positive relations with consumers (Law, Chen, and Wu, 2010). Basically, every consumers wanted to receive their products in a given time frame which shows the punctuality of Apple. As a result company get succeeded in establishing their goodwill at marketplace by gaining trust or loyalty of clients.


It has been assessed that while using various advanced tools an organization needs to analyse all the above questions for making appropriate changes at workplace. Their main objective is to offer best services to desired clients in different style which supports an organization while managing various successful business project. For example; launching new advanced features of IPhone in new areas.

Project scope statement

Scope:- Initial step is to make an appropriate motive for attaining set objectives or goals in a defined time frame with the help of appropriate tools or techniques. Major scope of an organization is to expand their business across the international marketplace by introducing number of advanced products which attract minds of maximum clients. Basically, its all about designing a new or unique mobile phone or outstanding network which may facilitate consumers in various manner.

Quality management

Apple is famous for its qualitative products due to which company get succeeded in gaining trust or loyalty of maximum customers by fulfilling their needs or demands in a given time period.

Risk and resources

Resources :- According to this element , it has been analysed that company needs to acquire an appropriate resources for running their business entity. For example; employees, manpower, money, plant and machinery, land and building hence forth. It means, company needs to arrange essential elements for various purposes with the help of modern technologies.

Risk :- Uncertainty might occurs at anytime without any indication due to which company needs to make plans and policies for controlling possibilities of mistakes or losses. managers of Apple are focussing on designing an effective strategy to manage complex activities in appropriate manner (Kowalkowski, Kindström and Brehmer, 2011).

Success criteria

According to given case study it has been assessed that if company is succeeding in attaining organization goals or targets in a define time period then it shows that organization is succeeding. On the other hand, if an association is getting failed in attaining their set objectives then it shows that their success criteria is not attaining.

Project assumptions

Main and foremost objectives of project is to promote modern technologies at workplace in order to accomplish business activities in best manner. Along with this, trying to attain organizational goals in a minimum time frame by satisfying clients needs or demands. It helps in creating positive relations with customers for maintaining company image at marketplace.

Implementation plan

An association needs to consider necessary terms and conditions for managing things in best manner such as; design an effective plan or policies. Accumulate necessary data or information for managing each or every activities.

Work breakdown structure

Apple is engaging in various types of complex activities while managing a business assignment because it goes through an appropriate process. As a result it aids in minimizing the probabilities of mistakes and errors. Thus, company needs to make an appropriate design by considering necessary facts or figures with the help of several outstanding models. Work break down structure is all about splitting the work into various members for distributing the work pressure into various members (Greenwood and et. al., 2011). In fact, it helps an association to accomplish their business activities in a minimum time period by controlling the probabilities of losses. However, breakdown structure is supporting an organization in various manner. Additionally, graphical representation of those activities are consider as a Gantt chart. Hence, it has been understood that splitting of business activities are highly beneficial for company success or development because it aids in reducing the workload of employees.


P4 Small scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods

Apple is a leading organization whose main objective is to gain maximum profit by satisfying needs or demands of various customers. Thus, in order to run their business in smooth manner company needs to adopt various modern technologies for accumulating relevant data or information (Kindström, 2010). It helps an association to understand the opinions or views of distinct customers with the help of advanced tools such as; quantitative, qualitative, primary and secondary hence forth. Thus, some of the major methods for acquiring corrective data or information are described as follows:-

  • Qualitative :- As per this element company acquire information in the form of objects, literature, theories and so on. It helps an organization in understanding the views or opinions of distinct customers for making changes as per their need or requirements.
  • Quantitative :- If an organization is accumulating in numerical form then it falls under this category which helps financial team of enterprise while making budget for annually, quarterly , monthly or weekly.
  • Primary :- first hand data is known as primary data which is initially accumulated by person, interviews and so on.
  • Secondary :- if information are acquired or used in second time by an organization then it is known as secondary.
  • Random sampling:- according to this element company is going to select individuals on random basis. Thus, around 30 members are selecting for analysing their views in order to make changes as per consumer demand.


P5 Data analysis with the use of appropriate tools





Q1. What are the reason behind implementing digital technology on business activity?

  • Sales maximization.
  • Performance improvement
  • Connectivity with customers.
  • All the above

Q2. Are you happy with services provided by an organization?

  • Yes
  • No

Q3. Is there any change in consumer buying behaviour?

  • Yes
  • No

Q4. What are the drawbacks of using digital technology?

  • Long process
  • Complexity
  • Expensive
  • All the above

Q5. Are you going with traditional approach or modern?

  • Traditional
  • Modern (Digital technology)

Q6. Is there any benefits for employees?

  • Yes
  • No

Q7. Is there any improvement in company success or development?

  • Yes
  • No

Q8. Does digital technology is bringing the investment criteria in organization?

  • Yes
  • No

Q9. Apple has used technology in effective way to innovate there products?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Moderate (Not up to there level)

Q10. Any recommendation?



Q1. What is the reason behind implementing digital technology on business activity?


· Sales maximization.


· Performance improvement


· Connectivity with customers.


· All the above


Interpretation: - From the graphical representation it has been understood that digital technology have a major impact on a company performance because it helps in accomplishing the business activities in a define time frame. Along with this, supports in making long term connectivity with various types of consumers in most suitable manner. thus, out of 30 respondents around 14 are believing that digital technology is useful for sales maximization whereas another 6 are saying that performance will be improved. Another 7 are believing that it aids in making positive relations with various clients and at last around 3 members are going with all the above or saying that all the previous elements are get achieved by adopting digital technology at workplace.


Q2. Are you happy with services provided by an organization?


· Yes


· No


Interpretation:- As per the above diagram it is determined that Apple is going in a right direction by taking advantaged from modern technologies which resulted in enhancement of their performance at marketplace. As a result out of 30 around 25 members are saying that services which is provided by firm is much better due to presence of advanced technology as it helps in accomplishing things in minimum time period. Whereas rest 5 are raising their voice against this term because they believe that digital tools are full of complexity and difficulty to understand.


Q3. Is there any change in consumer buying behaviour?


· Yes


· No



Interpretation:- From the previous drawn data it is understood that company needs to adopt modern technologies for accomplishing their business activities because maximum number of customers are going with it because of its efficiency and benefits. Thus, above pie chart shows that around 27 individuals are getting affected by implementation of digital technology as it facilitate them in various manner. Whereas only 3 are not agree with this statement because they believe that usage of complex or expensive methods creates major problems and even difficult to access.


Q4. What are the drawbacks of using digital technology?


· Long process


· Complexity


· Expensive


· All the above


Interpretation:- Apple is engaged in offering various types of advanced technology but at the same time it will consuming large number of cost as well as time due to the availability of complex features. Thus, previous presentation is showing that around 10 individuals are saying that its a very long process, another 9 are saying that digital technology is consist of complex features. Some other 8 members are believing that implementation of digital technology will consumer large amount of funds whereas rest 3 are saying that all the above explained problems are occurred because of using modern tools at workplace.


Q5. Are you going with traditional approach or modern?


· Traditional


· Modern (Digital technology)


Interpretation:- Throughout the study one thing is determined that in today’s creative world almost entire society are surrounded with various types of advanced technologies in order to run their life in easy manner. For example; ordering things through online processing without travelling from one place to another. Thus, almost 20 members are saying that company must adopt various modern tools or digital technologies to complete their work in a minimum time period. Whereas around 10 people are raising their voice against this due to its complexity and expensive method.


Q6. Is there any benefits for employees?


· Yes


· No


Interpretation: Employees are seen as most mandatory part of an organization because various business activities are run and managed by them only. It means, it is essential to focus on facilitating staff members by conducting several types of events or programmes. Thus, around 24 are saying that employees are becoming more happier by using digital technologies whereas only 6 are not agreeing with this statement as they believe that employees needs traditional one as some of them are not aware about the advanced technology.


Q7. Is there any improvement in company success or development?


· Yes


· No


Interpretation: - Apple is becoming more successful after using modern technologies as well as engaged in designing high tech equipments in order to facilitate customers in their day to day life. Thus, above graphical representation shows that success of an organization is totally rely on digital tools as around 28 are saying that usage of standardized technology is a major reason behind development of Apple. Whereas two of them are not satisfied with this statement as they believe that introduction of modern technologies create problem for business entity.


Q8. Does digital technology is bringing the investment criteria in organization?


· Yes


· No


Interpretation: Above diagram shows that around 25 people are believing that digital technology is promoting investors to invest more in an organization for gaining maximum benefits. Whereas rest 5 are not happy with this statement due to their professional reasons as they believe that it will create problem for investors in various manner.


Q9. Apple has used technology in effective way to innovate there products?


· Yes


· No


· Moderate (Not up to there level)


Interpretation: Apple is succeeding in a fastest way by using modern technologies at workplace and offering qualitative products to their consumers in order to gain maximum advantageous. Almost entire nation is using high tech equipments for running their life in more easy manner. Thus , by analysing the data it has been assessed that around 24 members are saying that digital technology have a greater impact on a company as they encourage company towards creating something new. But another 4 are believing that digital technology is not affecting an organization whereas rest 2 are in dilemma about this term.

P6 Recommendation

After analysing the entire study it has been analysed that digital technology have a major impact on a company performance as well as various organizational activities because it aids in gaining maximum return on their initial investment. At the same time it is not easy to understand each or every aspects of using modern technology due to its complexity and long process (Gustafson, 2012). Apple is using standardized tools for improving the company performance by acquiring trust or loyalty of customers as well as employees. Whereas, some of the findings shows that few customers are raising their voice against usage of modern technology while running organizational activities due to several reasons. For example; complex features, long process, expensive and so on. Therefore, some of the major changes which must be done by company is described as follows:-

  • Need to hire skilled or talented employees.
  • Conduct training and event programmes for enhancing the knowledge of individual in order to maximize the company productivity.
  • Required to design an appropriate plans or policies for assisting staff members about the use of advanced technology in order to control possibilities of losses.

P7 Reflection

Throughout the study of advanced technology I have learn number of things such as; modern technology have a major impact on company performance, aids in attaining organizational goals in a defined time frame, maximize the profit and so on. At the same time it has been analysed that handling of large business project is not an easy task due to the presence of various complex situations and so on. Additionally, while managing things I am going through several problems and issues which create problem for me at the time of accumulating relevant information and data. Along with this, I can learn that usage of modern technology have a major impact on company performance because it aids in accomplishing business activities in proper manner.

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From the above report it has been summarized that usage of digital technology is increasing day by day due to its effectiveness and efficiency as it helps in attaining organization goals or objectives in a desired time frame. Along with this consumers can also easily get attracted towards products or services. Thus Apple is used in above assignment because this company is getting more successful in usage of advanced technology and famous for its modern equipments. Throughout the study it has been analysed that implementing modern technology at workplace is highly beneficial for company success as it aids an enterprise in accomplishing various business activities in more effective manner by satisfying the needs of clients. Hence, it has been understood that company needs to adopt advanced technologies for enhancing their overall company performance by acquiring trust or loyalty of overall society.

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  • Fisher, E. S. and Shortell, S. M., 2010. Accountable care organizations: accountable for what, to whom, and how. Jama. 304(15). pp.1715-1716.
  • Giesen, E., and et. al., 2010. When and how to innovate your business model.Strategy & Leadership. 38(4). pp.17-26.
  • Greenwood, R. and et. al., 2011. Institutional complexity and organizational responses. Academy of Management annals. 5(1). pp.317-371.
  • Gustafson, P., 2012. Managing business travel: Developments and dilemmas in corporate travel management.Tourism management.33(2). pp.276-284.
  • Kindström, D., 2010. Towards a service-based business model–Key aspects for future competitive advantage.European Management Journal.28(6). pp.479-490.
  • Kowalkowski, C., Kindström, D. and Brehmer, P.O., 2011. Managing industrial service offerings in global business markets.Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. 26(3). pp.181-192.
  • Law, C.C., Chen, C.C. and Wu, B.J., 2010. Managing the full ERP life-cycle: Considerations of maintenance and support requirements and IT governance practice as integral elements of the formula for successful ERP adoption.Computers in Industry. 61(3). pp.297-308.
  • Smith, W.K., Binns, A. and Tushman, M.L., 2010. Complex business models: Managing strategic paradoxes simultaneously.Long range planning. 43(2). pp.448-461.
  • Smith, W.K., Gonin, M. and Besharov, M.L., 2013. Managing social-business tensions: A review and research agenda for social enterprise.Business Ethics Quarterly.23(03). pp.407-442.
  • Yilmaz, A.K. and Flouris, T., 2010. Managing corporate sustainability: Risk management process based perspective.African Journal of Business Management.4(2). p.162.
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